Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Flying into Mexico City

I was lucky to get out of Hartford before the airport shut down.  I flew out of Atlanta this morning and got into Mexico City this morning at about 11:00 am.  Here's the view showing the volcanos in the Sierra Nevada around Mexico City.

I love it here!  The people are very kind and helpful.  People are laughing in the streets.  It feels good here.  It's warm - about 70 degrees.  I took the subway to have lunch at a basque restaurant and it was very easy.  Here's my appetizer - piquillo peppers stuffed with bacalao or salt cod.  It was delicious!  It's seems odd to eat at a basque restaurant when I'm in Mexico but I love basque food so I just couldn't pass it by.

 After lunch I walked back to my hotel.  About 25 blocks.  I was really exhausted but it was nice to walk around.  I'm feeling a little sick because of the altitude.

The only problem I've had is that I can't get cash with my debit card.  So, hopefully I'll get cash wired to me tomorrow and all will be well.

I hope to see a few things tomorrow.  I don't want to miss the Templo Mayor - an excavation of the temple that the cathedral was built on.  Then, a bus to San Miguel to meet my sister's partner and see her ex-husband Doug, which will be nice.  I missed her by 3 days. 

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